High-quality topsoil aids maximum water flow and sustains the growth of your plants. Thus, purchasing a topsoil screener for sale can help improve the quality of your land’s soil. 

What Is A Topsoil Screener?

A topsoil screener is a machine that loosens the soil to create a high-quality and suitable topsoil for plant growth. There are several types and sizes of topsoil screeners for sale, and the one used for each project will differ. For instance, you can purchase a small topsoil screener for sale to screen the topsoil of your backyard garden, but you cannot use it for industrial topsoil screening.

What Does A Topsoil Screener Do?

Topsoil screeners separate finer soil particles from larger debris such as branches, roots, or stones. How does it work? The topsoil is transported into the machine screen by a front-end loader, and the screen vibrates to loosen the soil particles and releases the finer soil. 

In smaller-scale projects, you can buy a portable topsoil screener for sale. Still, it follows the same process of helping you loosen your soil once shoveled on the screen.

What A Topsoil Screener Is Used For?

Topsoil screeners are a faster way of removing dirt particles from the soil. It enables an increase in the soil’s quality by eliminating particles of debris that can interfere with soil water and nutrient absorption to stunt plant growth. 

Using a range of ever finer screens, you can also purchase topsoil screeners for sale to segregate soil into categories of distinct sizes.  

The Benefits Of Topsoil Screening Machines from Komplet America 

There are several benefits of purchasing soil screeners for sale from Komplet America. Some include;

  • Easy Mobility

The Komplet America topsoil screening machines are lightweight. They are easily transportable on a 40FT container and feature a remote control that eases movements while in use. 

  • Great Performance

Screening machines from Komplet America are designed to perform different kinds of site work and optimized to give excellent performances, with the steel screens giving perfect screening results. 

  • Versatility

You can use a Komplet America screener in various applications and for screening different materials, i.e., sand, topsoil, gravel, etc. 

Check Out Our Topsoil Screeners Below

komplet kompatto 221 mobile screener

Kompatto 221 Mobile Screener

The fully remote-controlled mobile screener can obtain different sizes of reusable materials from waste coming from construction sites. Kompatto 221, one of the market’s smallest mobile screeners, features a wide vibrating system with two screens.

komplet kompatto 104 mobile screener machine for sale komplet america

Kompatto 104 Compact Screener

Kompatto 104 is an entry-level and affordable screener best suited for operators and contractors who need a versatile product because of its capability to operate in various applications, including sands, recycling, gravel, etc. The compact screener features a high-performance double-deck screen box and two hydraulically folding stockpile conveyors.

komplet kompatto 5030 mobile screener machine for sale komplet america

Kompatto 5030 Mobile Screener

This Komplet America screener model is great for intense daily screening activities. It can be used both as a pre-screening machine and suitable for a construction site, a waste site, etc. Kompatto 5030 features a heavy-duty sloping screen box that accepts different screening nets that fit different screening purposes, i.e., sands, gravels, topsoil, etc.


Buying a screener does more than helping you provide your plants with high-quality top soils; it also helps to increase productivity. As a result, you can save costs, get the job done faster and get high-quality results.

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